神经发生中NIBP/NFkB 信息的作用与机制


项目批准号 81361120381
学科分类 医学科学部(H) — 神经系统(H09)
负责人 莫显明
依托单位 四川大学
项目分类 国际(地区)合作与交流项目
资助金额 180.00万元
起止时间 2014年01月01日至2016年12月31日
中文主题词 神经发育性缺陷;神经干祖细胞;NIBP /NF kappa B信息;精神发育迟滞;泛自闭症障碍症候群
英文主题词 neurodevelopmental defect;neural stem cell;NIBP/NFkappaB;Mental Retardation;autism spectrum disorder


中文摘要 神经发育与形成在许多神经性疾病包括神经精神情感性缺陷如精神分裂症等的发病中起重要作用。NIBP 是由合作者共同克隆的调控NF kappa B信息的蛋白并在神经发育性疾病中如精神发育迟滞、泛自闭症障碍症候群等起重要的作用。合作者共同证明了NFkappaB信息起始神经干细胞(NSC)分化。通过前期工作积累,我们假设在神经发生中由NIBP蛋白诱导的NFkappaB信息调控靶基因关闭NSC的干性、激活分化信息、维持细胞的存活、引导细胞谱系命运决定。将进行如下研究:在条件基因敲除NIBP小鼠中及斑马鱼胚胎中细致分析NIBP /NFkappaB信息在神经发生中的作用与机制,在斑马鱼胚胎和小鼠的NSC中确定NIBP是怎样调控NFkappaB信息的,以及NFkappaB信息抑制和激活了何种基因关闭NSC的干性的、维持细胞的活性、决定细胞谱系命运的。为神经精神情感性疾病认知治疗提供基础。
英文摘要 Neurogenesis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many neural diseases including neurodevelopmental defects, depression, epilepsy, stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. There is a fundamental gap in understanding how impairment of both embryonic and adult neurogenesis influences such diseases. NIBP is a novel regulator of the signaling for nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and implicated in neural developmental disorders such as mental retardation, autism, hearing loss, etc. There is an urgent need for understanding the underlying cause-effects and mechanisms of NIBP/NFkappaB signaling in neurodevelopmental disorders. The objective of this particular proposal is to define the role and mechanisms of NIBP/NFkappaB signaling in embryonic and adult neurogenesis. The central hypothesis is that NFkappa B signaling, controlled by NIBP and other related proteins, induces a set of genes to shut down the stemness and trigger the differentiation, maintains the cellular survival and guides neuronal cell fate commitment during neurogenesis. The hypothesis has been formulated on the basis of previous studies and the applicants’ own preliminary data showing that (1) NIBP/NF kappa B signaling plays key roles in modulating early neural differentiation; (2) Functional knockdown of NIBP in zebrafish leads to severe defects of brain development; (3) Conventional and conditional cre-mediated NIBP knockout in mice and cultured neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs) attenuates neuronal differentiation. This hypothesis will be tested by pursuing 3 specific aims. In aim 1, the detailed roles of NIBP/NFkappaB signaling in mouse embryonic and adult neurogenesis will be delineated. In aim 2, the role of NIBP/NFkappaB signaling in regulating neural induction and neuronal lineage differentiation in zebrafish embryos will be elucidated. In aim 3, the molecular mechanisms for NIBP actions in neurogenesis will be explored by elucidating how NIBP regulates NFkappaB signaling in NSCs/NPCs and determining the extent by which activation or inhibition of NIBP/NFkappaB-dependent target genes influence NSC stemness and early differentiation in mouse NSCs/NPCs and zebrafish embryos. The proposed work is expected to obtain detailed functions of NIBP/NFkappaB signaling in early neurogenesis and neuronal lineage specificity, as well as specific genes to control and maintain early neural differentiation.


结题摘要 NIBP/TRAPPC9是调控NFkB信号通路和反式高尔基体的蛋白家族一员,在目标膜上介导囊泡-动力蛋白相互作用,使新生内质网-高尔基体中间体沿着微管移动。有NIBP突变或缺失的个体证实与MR关联。这些病人表现出了严重的智力障碍、小脑症,听力减退、面瘫、肥胖以及肌无力等症状,这些症状被称为“NIBP综合征”,本项目利用模式动物小鼠和斑马鱼探讨NIBP在精神性疾病中的作用与机制,进行了如下研究工作:分析清楚NIBP/NF keppa B信号在小鼠胚胎与成体神经发育形成中的详细作用;分析清楚NIBP/NF keppa B信号在斑马鱼胚胎神经发生与谱系分化中的作用;确定NIBP在神经发育与形成中的作用机制。获得的主要结果有:1.NIBP在大脑中的表达谱,并发现其能引导神经分化;2.NIBP蛋白分布在树突和轴突并且参与调控轴突生长;3.构建了NIBP-floxed小鼠和NIBP敲除后神经行为受损的H4,NF1C小鼠;4.与杂合子和野生型的小鼠相比,NIBP HO小鼠目标识别和长时记忆明显缺陷,,并且目标定位能力受损伤。其表现与在临床中观察到高度自闭症的孩子在某些方面表现更突出的现象是一致的。5. NIBP/NF keppa B信号通路对于斑马鱼中枢神经系统的正常分化以及形态发生是必须的;6.敲低NIBP后,斑马鱼端脑和脊髓位置神经细胞出现明显的分布紊乱和形态结构异常,神经胶质样细胞增多从而无法形成正常的神经组织;7.抑制NIBP表达影响斑马鱼胚胎运动神经元轴突发育。在本项目实施过程中已经培养了硕士研究生3人,博士研究生6人,博士后2人,正在培养在读硕士研究生3人,博士研究生5人,博士后6人。已见刊发表文章1篇,接收文章1篇,评审中5篇,还有2篇论文和1项专利正在撰写中。由于在项目实施过程中均使用基因操作的动物模型,包括小鼠和斑马鱼,而动物培养需要较长时间,因此,本项目如有足够的实施时间,就能够充分完成项目中涉及到的各种表型和机制研究,建议继续支持本项目3-5年。





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